There are little things that get us through life - like coffee, vacations, and good times with friends. There are also little things that get us through the game of hockey - tape is one of those little things that we don't think too much about. Without tape, we don't get to play the game we love!
Based in New England, HockeyTapeOnline is the creation of a group of lifelong hockey players who wanted to make ordering hockey tape as easy as possible by offering a no-nonsense website with access to high-quality products and the best pricing around. Rather than making multiple trips to a pro-shop or buying single rolls for $5.00 a piece at the rink, we bring you tape in quantities & prices that make sense.
Whether you're a parent of one or more rink rats, coaching a competitive team, organizing a big tournament, or even a washed-up has-been (like the guy writing this), allows you to get MORE for LESS - More tape at lower prices means you can spend less time making sure you have all of your gear, and more time enjoying every second on the ice!
It is our pleasure to serve you!